Could be that new recliner.
The first time Hubby was in the hospital and we would walk the halls, albeit slowly, as he got closer to his room he'd start looking in each one. I finally figured out why although I never said much. He told the kids when we got home and confirmed my suspicions.
The kids brought their dad this balloon when they came to visit on Tuesday the 16th. It was tied to the chair in Hubby's room, and when he was looking in the rooms he was looking for the balloon.
I've been wondering how he was and praying for him. I'm glad he has a balloon to let him know which chair is his!
That is a story they will remember...glad he is doing better!!!
I'm sure you are so relieved to have him home again. And I bet he was so happy to see that recliner! :)
O yes yes !!..............big smile !!.............a story to remember............good luck with all !!...i will be praying...of love love Ria.....
Glad to hear that he is home once again and feeling better! I'm sure the new chair will help him feel better much faster! Take care of yourself as well!
Kelli @
Nice to chat this afternoon. Sorry to have to cut it short, but the surgeon came calling. Heather had a biopsy today and tomorrow we will know the results. Surgery is looking good everything is ship shape, just checking for any rejection. Heather is ready to head home ASAP!
Glad Robert is on the mend and enjoying his early Christmas treat.
Heather's coming home tomorrow! We got word this afternoon there is no rejection and her new liver is working perfectly!
Thank you lord, Robert and Kayren!
Hi there...thanks for stopping by my blog the other day. How ironic that we both have twins (although different ages) and i See you live in MI, too!
I'm sorry to hear about your hubby's stay in the hospital. hope he is doing better.
Aww yayy! Glad he's doing better and is resting well at home! :)
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