Everything took a little longer this year with me still in recovery mode and having doctor appointments to start radiation. I also didn't do much of the physical work and just supervised (i.e. bossed people around). I had Buddy put the tree together, Hubby and a couple of the kids fluffed out the limbs (which I can usually be so anal about), and then Hubby put on the lights as I followed him around holding them (920 lights!). These are all things I usually do because I'm such a control freak, but I just let it go and it was okay.
I also let the kids decorate the tree. Not that they don't usually, but I stayed away and let them put the ornaments where they wanted to. They weren't as happy about it as I thought they would be. They were impressed that I didn't move things around after they were done. Giving up control I tell you.
Honestly, the tree looks almost identical to last year's tree, except that it's a different one (because we have two and I had Buddy put up the one that is not pre-lit because it's such a bear and needs more than one person).

And it's totally okay.
The tree looks great! Good for you for giving up control. I have a problem with that as well.
Wowww your tree is wonderful !!!!....love from me....xxx..
I thought I was the Queen of
control freaks. I try to ease up
and accept what has to be will
be. Your tree is lovely and truly
the colors of Christmas just
radiating. No tree here this year
as we will be in Michigan for
Christmas... via Amtrak of course.
Hoping that your daily radiation
will go well and easy for you.
Hugs, Myke
Your tree is beautiful! I'm just getting mine decorated today!
Hi, Kayren,
How are you doing? I knew I hadn't seen any activity from you in a while so I wanted to stop by and see if you're doing alright with your treatments and also to check and see if the PIF package arrived.
Blessings, you're in my prayers,
Mama Bear
Merry, merry, Kayren! Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend. It was great to hear your voice on the phone the other day! much love...
I love your Christmas decorations.
Merry Christmas!
I hope you and your family have a blessed New Year!
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