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I've been working on a few projects this last week.
The first one many of you have probably seen or done yourselves — fleece tie blankets.
I'd made these for all my kids when we lived in Illinois. They were all at least five years old, not so soft anymore, and a little short for kids that had grown. I made them all a new one.
I used two and a half yards each for all three of the older kids and two yards for Caboose. I wash and dry both pieces first, lay them out flat on the ground wrong sides together, and cut four-inch strips all the way around about an inch or so apart. I eyeball it.
I cut four-inch squares out of each of the four corners.
Then I start tying them together in knots top to bottom like a crazy person until I've done it all the way around.

And yes, Betsy, I tie every single one the same direction every single time.

Then I made these handy-dandy chair bags.
I first saw the idea over at Organizing Junkie. Mine look so plain next to the fancied up ones showcased over there, but they serve their purpose. Here are the tools I used to make these:

All of these things are on sale this week (except for the Wal-Mart velcro) at Hobby Lobby this week.
First I cut off both handles where they met the top of the bag.

Cut little pieces of the velcro and sew it to opposite sides of the handles (so they meet when you loop them over the chair frame...I goofed the first time). I folded down the edge of the handle strip a little when I sewed on the velcro strip to give it a fake seam and to keep it from fraying. I also sewed each velcro piece on at both the top and the bottom and not just across the middle of it.

I covered a composition notebook for myself with scrapbook paper and Mod Podge thanks to Lora's tutorial. Again, hers were a little fancier and cuter because she added stickers, but I just really wanted one and I knew I wouldn't do it if I waited to do stickers.

I'm not sure what I'll use it for since I don't journal, but I'm thinking really hard about it! It's cute!
Then the other project required some outside help. I took my Motivated Mom's Planner to Kinko's and had them spiral bind it rather than put it in a three-ring binder myself.
The benefits are the ability for it be flat
or folded back.
Since we don't tear the pages out of Caboose's math book, the book is thick, and it's hard to write on the pages unless you put something under one side to hold it up, I decided it might be a good thing for that book too.
Did you know they can cut the binding off of a book? It's one of the greatest things since sliced bread.
So now his book can be flat
and fold under.
Now Buddy wants his done too.
This post is linked to Show and Tell Friday hosted by Cindy at My Romantic Home.
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What great ideas for keeping their books organized and keeping it fun! Love the polka dot fabic, so happy and fun!
I'm impressed! I love the blankets and the bags, but I'm so impressed by the books. How much does Kinkos charge to do that?
You've been busy, I have to say the blanket you made, is like my 3yr. old granddaughter favorite blankie! She brings it every time she comes for a sleep over! :) Thanks so much for sharing. If you have a minute, come visit my S&T Fri., Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs
I especially like the concept of the 'chair bags'.
My show n tell is nothing but January Clearance items that I found if you'd like to view them....
Would really enjoy your company today if you have time to stop by.
To get the binding cut off it's $1.49.
To get the spiral done (I don't know if it depends on size), mine were $3.99 and $4.99. $4.99 was the planner because they added a cover to it, and the schoolbook they just did as is. Normally they put a clear cover on front and a black vinyl kind on the back, but since my planner was starting mid-January and I didn't have a pretty front page, I had them do the black cover on the front too. I don't know that it was any different price that way.
If you homeschool they give you a discount, but you do have to sign up first.
I went back today and had Buddy's math book done.
Looks like you've been having the creative bug, too:)
So glad you had fun with the notebook:) Yours looks great! I don't journal either, but I'm using mine for whatever notes I take on just whatever for the year: mtgs., lists..
Your blankets turned out cute~my sister has made these for my kids and they LOVE them! And your chair bags are cute. This is the first time I've seen that idea.
Thanks for the heads-up on the book binding/unbinding thing, I had no idea they did things like that.
The book holder bag is a great idea! I've wanted to make something like that for my boys to attatch to their bunk beds, but I never thought about making one for their chairs! Cool!
The spiral bounding is a great idea too. I never considered doing that with one of our math workbooks. I wonder how many other books that would be helpful with... Oh, the possibilities are endless!
great job. I keep telling my girlfriend she should buy those blankets 50% off and plan a party for her daughter and friends to make them.
I love the chair bags! They would be great for valentines day too. I have been trying to figure out something for my girls for vday to put their surprises and cards in and that will do perfectly!! Thanks Kayren!
And the tip about the spiral binders is something I am going to have to remember :)
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