Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Theme Thursday — Bread

I got some starter last November from a friend at church. I hadn't had any since I left New Jersey in 2000.

Now I make between three and six loaves of bread a week. Yum!

I wish I could send some to you over the 'net.

For more Theme Thursday participants, click here.


Mari said...

It looks so good! I'm impressed you make that much!

Jennifer@Pieces of Me said...

That bread sure does look yummy, and I bet smells and tastes delicious too!

Thanks for sharing!

Brian Miller said...

i wish you could too...that looks so good. happy tt!

JeffScape said...

My fax-modem MIGHT be able to accept bread.

Might have to try that one of these days.

Betsy Brock said...

I can tell you're a pro...those loaves look absolutely perfect!

Wings1295 said...

Do you, um, need my address?

Anonymous said...

Is that sour dough? I have a friend who makes it but hers doesn't rise up like that.
I've been thinking of starting one myself.
Mama Bear

Lora @ my blessed life said...

That's funny! I got some starter from a friend last fall, too. I hadn't had any since before my daughter was born. Is yours the kind that you feed with instant potato flakes & sugar? I love it! I actually enjoy the process even more than eating it. It's just fun to make:)

Anonymous said...

Believe me I can just about smell this! mmmmm...! Reminds me I was a night baker way back in bootcamp :)

Kris McCracken said...


Does it involve a pistol of some kind?

Anonymous said...

well that looks good :)

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